Encouraging Better Attention

The single biggest concern of the parents that I deal with is attention. In children, this can take the form of not turning to his name being called, not sitting for a meal, not able to see a brief test to conclusion, and many more.
Here are some tips for encouraging better attention at home:
* Control the sensory environment
- Decrease the stimulation in the environment- turn off the tv, give the child your complete attention, get down to your child’s level,
- Prepare his sensory system to attend better. This may include:
- Heavy work- wheelbarrow walking, crab walk, crawling, walking off a couch on his hands, pushing heavy object,
- Neutral warmth- play under a blanket, make a blanket tent, wrap up in a blanket or large towel,
- Deep touch- make a sandwich of him between two cushions, roughhouse with you laying on top of him, consider experimenting with a weighted blanket or compression vest.
Consider buying a Forbrain. This device sends vocal feedback to the brain, which increases attention among other things.
* Keep your expectations reasonable
- Tasks should not be overly challenging.
- Reward success and ignore failure.
- Praise efforts not outcome.
- Consider time of day and mood. (is he tired, hungry, grumpy, etc?)

Nurturing a child with attentional difficulties at home can drain parents and family. It’s wonderful to have some techniques at your disposal to help the child center himself and cope.
Tomatis sound training should be considered for a deeper solution.