You to Can Be a Superhero: Our differences don’t define us!

What does it take to be a Superhero? Define yourself!
It takes confidence and the knowledge that you can do anything….well almost anything… if you try! You can be different and still be special. Our differences don’t define us. Superheroes have super powers in the areas where they do well! Some superheroes have excellent visual skills. They can do their supertasks with their eyes or hands.
Many superheroes have had to deal with their learning differences. Actors, Athletes, Models, Presidents and more have shown us their superhero skills. Anderson Cooper, Steven Spielberg, Simone Biles, Ellie Goldstein, and President Biden are undeniably real superheroes. They didn’t let their differences didn’t define them.
Being a superhero has two parts.
Be the best you can be at the things that you do well.
Be happy with who you are. No one is perfect, but your differences don’t define you.
Discover what you can do well and what makes you happy. These are your superpowers. Share your super powers with others.
“The mark of a true superhero is not how many times he’s down, it’s how he copes.” Keanu Reeves