Indoor Ideas to Stimulate Emotional Development

Pull Out Your Imagination and Let’s Have Fun

activity ideas for kids emotional development

Children’s emotional development thrives in the presence of other children. During these times, contact with other children is reduced. Parents often feel choices must be made between physical safety and their children’s wellbeing. We certainly have tools available to us to foster our children’s progress.

  • Decorate your own puppets and put on shows- paper bags and socks work well
  • Act out a book
  • Be a super hero
  • Create a Lego village
  • Write a story
  • Draw illustrations of anything (a family picnic, time with grandma, fun at the park, etc.)
  • Play with other children strategically (playing with families who’s habits you feel are safe- see our article on Social Pods
  • Save a huge cardboard box and use a wide variety of media to create a dwelling or vehicle
  • Make a tent village out of chairs, blankets, and pillows. Read, play or dine inside.
  • Make positive or inspirational outdoor signs thanking community helpers
  • Make Witch’s Brew- combine all kinds of drinks. It may not taste good, but kids think it’s hysterical to get others to try.
  • Dress up in costumes and makeup and talk about who your child wants to be.

Restricting our out-of-the-house activities provides a unique opportunity to drive your child’s emotional development in new ways.

Here’s another way to be proactive during your indoor time; our Tomatis home program can push your child ahead in so many ways. Group programs are also now available.