Tomatis Expands Possibilities for Learning and Emotional Development

I had the privilege of working with a young teenager who had recently been brought to the United State by his Father. He had restricted life experiences and educational opportunities in his native country. When he arrived, he was painfully shy, did not speak English and was school phobic. He was thrust into a new family situation and was having problems adapting.

When I first met T.S. he refused eye contact or any interaction. His anger was pervasive. He was only able to express himself through his exceptional physical skills and puppetry. The theme of his puppetry was violence and anger. He refused all other activities.

The first intensive was interesting. Everyday he came reluctantly, embraced me when he arrived, smiled, established eye contact and then fell into his dark place. Once in a while his facade would get broken, something would amuse him and a brief smile would escape. At the end of the intensive, he was shocked and sad that our work together had come to an end and that he would not be seeing me regularly.

I reassured him that our work together was not done and that after an integration period of 4 weeks, he would return.

During the second intensive the magic of the music of Tomatis did its work! The changes in T.S. over the next two months were rewarding, maybe miraculous. He became less angry, more compliant, truly became a participating member of his family, looked forward to going to school, made friends, even a girlfriend…his whole world opened up!

There are many ways Tomatis can help. If you believe you or a family member could benefit from the impact of Tomatis, Let’s talk!