12 Things To Know About Tomatis®

Boy wearing Tomatis training headphones to boost memory, focus, attention, communication


1.) What is Tomatis®?
Tomaits is a sound training program that helps your brain to function optimally.

2.) How does it work?
Musical programs are designed for individuals to listen to with special headphones. The music is altered to work on the ear and the brain based on your needs.

3.) How do you assess my needs?
Assessment is a thorough intake which can be done in person or online.
In person testing is available but not required.
We discuss the results and determine goals together.

4.) What is the music like?
The music is mostly Mozart, but there are also waltzes, Gregorian chants, & marches.
At times the music may sound distorted or scratchy to you, but that’s a result of the programs.

5.) What’s the time commitment?
A typical program is 14 days, 80 minutes a day, a break of 4 to 8 weeks, and another 14 days, 80 minutes a day.
However, there is tremendous variability which may include less time and fewer days.

6.) Where do I listen?
Many clients choose to do their listening in my office especially when Occupational Therapy is needed.
Others choose to listen at home, school, or other location.
We also can combine home and office listening.

7.) What is the equipment like?
Programs are encoded onto a proprietary MP3 type player. Included headphones may be wired or wireless. The music is heard through the ear, as well through a small amplifier at the top of the head.

8.) What can I do while listening at home?
You can really do almost anything that does not involve a screen or reading.
This means no cellphones, iPads, computers, tablets or TV.

9.) What will I feel while I’m listening?
You may feel more attentive, grounded, relaxed, organized, and alert.
These leave your brain in a better state to develop and learn.
There are occasions where people feel oppressed or regress as nervous system changes are occurring, but they usually pass quickly.

10.) Who will benefit?
Almost anyone can benefit from Tomatis® training.
A wide variety of individuals ranging from infants through elderly, high functioning to severe issues.
Specific issues can include:

  • Attention- ADD or ADHD
  • Sensory motor integration
  • Postural and motor control
  • Behavior issues
  • Articulation
  • Speech & language
  • Academic skills
  • Developmental issues
  • Memory
  • Energy
  • Pregnancy programs for maternal relaxation and best developmental outcomes
  • Wellness

11.) Who is my Tomatis® consultant?

  • Sue is an Occupational Therapist with decades of experience in service for people with special needs.
  • Her practice is now focused exclusively on Tomatis® training with/without Occupational Therapy.
  • She is a level 4 Tomatis® consultant, which represents the highest level of training available. (A level 4 requires a minimum 4 years of training and mentorship. It confers programming possibilities not available to lesser trained professionals.)
  • Sue does all programing and provision of services herself.
  • Many people present themselves as credentialed Tomatis® practitioners. Please check credentials on the Tomatis® website.

12.) Does insurance cover Tomatis® training?
There are instances where face-to-face training may be reimbursable to you.


Now a question for you: Want to learn more about Tomatis® straight from people who’ve tried it? Check out our client testimonials