The Tomatis Method has proven to us time and again that it lights up the brain and changes lives.

Listen For Change – Who We Are
Neuroplasticity is the answer. The Tomatis Method recognizes the importance of controlled neural stimulation, and the pervasive impact it imparts on processing, skills, and well-being. Hundreds of clients have trusted Listen For Change for our high level of skill and ability to produce individualized programs. With our commitment to this method we have seen dramatic results in our practice. Feedback from our clients fuel our enthusiasm to continue our work and expand the possibilities for so many.
We utilize all of the innovative Tomatis technology, including TALKS-UP, Forbrain, Soundsory, and the Bone Conduction kit; which allows us to work even with babies as well as highly sensitive people.
Through the unique and patented processes of the Tomatis equipment, we can control critical aspects of the delivery of our programs and services to get remarkable individualized results.
Children and people of all ages benefit from our services, particularly:
- Autism,
- Sensory integration issues,
- Speech or language,
- Attention- ADD ADHD
- Postural and Motor Issues
- Memory, reading and other academics
- Behavioral challenges
- Pregnancy programs
- Wellness as written about by the acclaimed Dr. Norman Doidge
- Professional singers, musicians and actors
Our reputation for excellence in providing the Tomatis Method, attracts clients from all over the world.

Our Resident Therapist : Sue Sonkin
Tomatis has revolutionized Sue’s practice as an occupational therapist. The results have been so gratifying that she has pursued many years of advanced training, resulting in the highest level of Tomatis Consultant certification, Level 4.
Sue has always been an innovator in services for children with special needs and their families. As an occupational therapist, she was among the first to bring sensory integration to the East Coast. She was instrumental in bringing many innovative advances in occupational therapy to Westchester County and the New York area metro area. She opened a pioneering Early Intervention Center, providing comprehensive and efficient services to children with special needs in one location, an innovative model that has been widely adopted. With Tomatis, she has returned to her occupational therapy roots providing dynamic and innovative services for people of all ages.
Questions to Ask Your Tomatis Consultant
Many sound therapies are derived from Tomatis®. Also, individuals who were once recognized by the Tomatis® organization may not be currently credentialed by them.
With many sound therapies being based on the work of Dr. Alfred Tomatis, they are missing critical aspects of the true Tomatis® techniques. Always check and verify a providers current credentials and level of training.
Are all Tomatis professionals the same?
Do they all offer the same thing? NO! There are 4 levels of Tomatis. Each level of Tomatis® training confers additional skills and expertise, reflected in your individualized program.
How much training does your provider have?
Each level of Tomatis® training involves coursework and a successful mentorship for advancement to the next level.
Level 1-use of a Tomatis device with standardized programs
Level 2-training in use of Tomatis® Listening Test
Level 3-entry level in individualized music programming
Level 4-the highest level, advanced programming and specialized training in specific Tomatis® techniques.
** Our resident therapist is a level 4 Tomatis® consultant, the highest level of Tomatis® professional competency.
Here are some additional important questions to ask:
1. Are they authorized to provide services by the official Tomatis® organization?
– We have a continuing formal relationship with the official Tomatis® organization.
2. What is involved in their assessment?
– Our assessment is individually planned according to the needs and location of the client.
3. How many hours of service are included in a Tomatis® intensive training?
– A typical intensive could be up to 14 days, of up to 80 minutes of listening per day. After that, additional intensives may be recommended.
4. Who is actually delivering the service?
– All services are delivered exclusively by Sue Sonkin.
Smart consumers are comparing several providers before making a selection. There is considerable variability in training, practice, and ethics. As you consider the appropriate professional for your needs, be sure you understand all the possibilities.